As we continue to think about the concept of team, here is a video clip (11:48) from Pat Lencioni that talks about the concepts of Hungry, Humble, and Smart from his book The Ideal Team Player.

A person that possesses all three of these qualities fits the profile of an ideal team player. A quick summary of these traits is as follows:

Humble – people who lack excessive ego or concerns about status; emphasize team over self

Hungry – people who are always looking for more; they are thinking about the next step and the next opportunity; are typically very hard workers. Ideally, it is directed towards the success of the team.

Smart – this is not about being intellectually smart, but rather an interpersonal awareness about how their actions affect other people; they have good judgement towards the dynamics of the group.

A key component to having a good team is in hiring good people. The video speaks about interview techniques to try to get people out of the standard formal interview process. What kinds of things can you incorporate to add more steps, interview as a team, or other possibilities? Discuss ideas with your leaders of what you can do to help with this.

In the video, Pat mentions that he is an ENFP. This is in reference to his Myers-Briggs personality profile and is a component that we can do for your any members of your team that you would like. Please let us know if this is something you are interested in and we can discuss terms.

As you hire lots of younger team members, how do you try to insure that you are getting quality employees? Are you careful not to place the label of millennial on them? Does your interview process allow you to screen people out that may not be a good fit for your culture? If so, how has it been successful? If not, what can you do to improve your process?

Have a great week!